Passion Sparkling wine 750ml 11%

Passion Sparkling wine 750ml 11%

  • Origin: Chile
  • Type: White wine (sparkling)
  • Abv: 11%
  • Volume: 750ml
  • Specification: 6 bottles/carton
  • Description:

Made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are fermented 2 times.

The second characteristic of sparkling wine is its sweet and delicate aroma and taste. When taking a sip down the throat, the taste of the wine has turned slightly sour and spreads a fruity aroma. The feeling of enjoying sparkling wine is fresh, new and unforgettable.

Suitable for eating with beef, seafood, desert, Asian – European foods.

Danh mục:
  • Sparkling wine is a wine with significant levels of carbon dioxide in it, making it fizzy.
  • The sweet sparkling wine of Passion has very distinctive , aromas and tastes which make it unique. Its scent is delicate with aromas of nutmeg, grapefruit essence, cedar and elderberry. It is particularly suitable in combination with pastry and cheeses.